
Feed Your Hospital supports communities in the Midwest (including Greater Chicago) most impacted by COVID-19 by delivering hot meals prepared by local Asian restaurants to frontline healthcare workers.

Your donation is tax deductible!




What is Feed Your Hospital?

Feed Your Hospital delivers meals to healthcare workers on the frontline of COVID-19 by supporting local Asian restaurants in the Midwest - Greater Chicago region.

Where does the money go?

Your donations will go directly to Feed Your Hospital of Midwest - Greater Chicago, who collaborates with Great Chicago restaurants to develop special menu options for hospital deliveries, and coordinates deliveries directly with local hospitals. Credit card fees (4%) apply for each donation. Feed Your Hospital is 100% volunteer-run.

Why healthcare workers?

As many as 1 in 5 healthcare workers will eventually contract COVID-19. Healthcare workers are putting themselves in danger every day to take care of us. We want to take care of our healthcare workers, as they make great sacrifices and experience great stress.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Feed Your Hospital is fiscally sponsored by the Ascend Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. For all donations, you will receive an official Ascend Foundation letter via e-mail acknowledging your donation, which can be used for tax purposes.

How can I give a large donation?

How can I give a large donation? For large donations, you can help us save on credit card fees by sending a check to the Ascend Foundation, and noting “Feed Your Hospital - Greater Chicago” in the memo line (Address: 160 Broadway 6th Floor E Bldg, New York, NY 10038). If you would like to directly wire the money, donate through your charitable trust, or donate through another means, please e-mail us at feedyourhospital@gmail.com.